Welcome to the Nuñez Lab! We are in the Molecular and Cell Biology Department at UC Berkeley.
The core interest of our research is to understand the regulatory principles of the human genome. We develop and employ technologies for editing the human 'epigenome' and we study the mechanisms underlying epigenetic memory and inheritance in mammalian cells.
Our lab combines CRISPR-based genome and epigenome editing, functional genomics, cell biology, and biochemistry to answer our research questions.
Recent News
November 2024: We welcome Luis Galán Palma as a postdoc and Anisha Shukla as an undergraduate researcher!
September 2024: We thank support from the Laboratory for Genomics Research Innovation Award.
July 2024: Congrats to Izaiah for receiving a Gilliam Fellowship from HHMI and Rithu Pattali for receiving a PhD fellowship from the Shurl and Kay Curci Foundation!
July 2024: We thank the Pew Biomedical Scholars Program and NIH NIGMS MIRA for funding our research.
June 2024: We welcome Anne Saxonov as our summer high school researcher!
May 2024: We welcome Ngan Phan and Jinna Brim as our new MCB graduate students!
April 2024: We welcome Bernardo Moreno as our new undergraduate student!
March 2024: Congrats to Anna for receiving the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor award and for passing her qualifying exam!
March 2024: We thank the Shurl and Kay Curci Foundation for funding our research.
February 2024: We welcome Ngan Phan as our new MCB rotation student.
February 2024: We welcome Mitzi Hernandez as our new undergraduate student!
November 2023: We welcome PhD rotation students - Jinna Brim and Carolina Guerrero
November 2023: We welcome Swen Bessilink as a Visiting Scholar!
September 2023: We welcome PhD rotation students - Rekha Dhillon-Richardson and Ted Llera.
September 2023: We thank funding from the CRISPR Cures for Cancer Initiative and the Bakar Fellows Program.
August 2023: Congratulations to Rithu for being awarded a graduate fellowship from CRCC!
June 2023: We welcome Jason Tello as our REU summer undergraduate!
May 2023: We welcome Anna Christenson as our new MCB graduate student!
April/May 2023: Congratulations to Izaiah and Rithu for passing their qualifying exams!
March 2023: Congratulations to Izaiah for being awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and Mentored Research Award!
February 2023: We welcome Jerry and Peter as new undergraduate researchers.
November 2022: We welcome PhD rotation students from MCB - Anna C. and Ola.
September 2022: We welcome PhD rotation students from MCB - Cynthia and Maher.
September 2022: We welcome Carolyn Nguyen as our new undergraduate student!
September 2022: Dr. Da Xu joins the lab as a postdoc!
June 2022: Paulina Rios, Eric Bass & Michelle Adutwum start their summer research programs in the lab.
May 2022: Izaiah Ornelas and Rithu Pattali join the lab for their PhD thesis!
February 2022: We welcome our new PhD rotation students from MCB - Anna and Kevin.
January 2022: Dr. Nikita Divekar joins the lab as our first postdoc!
January 2022: We thank the LGR for funding our science.
December 2021: We welcome our new PhD rotation students - Sergio, Michael, & Izaiah.
September 2021: We welcome our MCB PhD rotation students - Maria and Rithu.
August 2021: Scarleth, Anatori, and Eric join the lab!
July 2021: The Nuñez lab opens in the Molecular and Cell Biology Department at UC Berkeley.